Thursday, May 15, 2014

Testimonial Mealshakes : Bantu Anak Kurang Selera Makan & Kurang Berat Badan


Ada di antara anda yang mempunyai anak yang susah nak makan? Kurang berselera?

Berat badan kurang dari yang sepatutnya?

Sedang mencari supplement yang boleh menambah selera makan anak anda?

Mungkin in jawapan yang anda cari.

Apa kata mereka yang sudah mencubanya?

Puan Tariniwati Badron 
"Noor Faezah, lulpa lak nk mention... akak bg kat anak no2, berselera dia mkn skarang ni, bdn pn dh naik... adik kat taska pn bagitau yg dia kat taska mkn brtmbah2.... dan yang paling best.... since amek meal shakes, dia lom kena flu lagi.... sblm ni tiap2 minggu kna... Alhamdulillah..."

Puan Ruziah Amin
"Mmg best meal shakes.. anak mmg susah nak makan .. mmg memilih ..tapi kini asyik nak makan je..Pastu tiap bulan habis ubat pi klinik je .. lepas demam selsema .. demam selsema demam ..huhu.. tapi skrg alhamdulillah selera makan , selsema pun dah tak de.. pernah uge kena tapi jap je tak melarat .. dalm 2 hari dah ok .. :-)"

Puan Iffah Anuar
"Alhamdulillah... saya juga berikannya pada Faheem.. alhamdulillah, travel from Sgr - Cherating- Tgn - Melaka - ladang ayah, berpanas hujan..main lumpur..Faheem tidak demam/selesema/muntah2 spt sepupu yg lain.. Alhamdulillah...Sy juge dah tidak bermusuh dengan matahari :) kalo dulu x boleh kne matahari migrain+rashes..+ demam + sakit2 sendi smp x boleh bgn..syukur.. setelah 1 Yr+ tekun amalkan shaklee"

Puan Azra Balqis Irdina 
"bgus jugak mealshake nie ye..ank sy dlu x mo mkn..ble nk bg mkn msti nyorok blakang pintu..skrg lepas sy bg die mealshake..mkn mcm x ingt dunia..ble x bg mkn msti mrh..skrg sayur2 pon die mkn..dlu die paling benci kt sayur..gembira hati sy tgk die da berselera..pipi pon da berisi.."

Puan Zabrina Ar
"Baru 2 hari bagi zara mealshake...selera makan dia bertambah..asyik nak nyam2 je...hehehe..."

Puan Haslina Hamat 
"anak sy 5 thn sblm ni pun mmg xnak mkn ns..lepas amik mealshake , terus ada slera bdn xder la terus gemukss..ok la..slera mkn mbuak2 tu ada..siap kul 12 mlm minta ns lg...huhu..sahur pun bgn mkn ns..kuikuikui...thank to Nur Hidayu."

Puan Lydzar Rusman 
"Sambil-sambil saya bervitamin, saya beri juga anak-anak saya vits for kids. Vitalea, chewable vita-C, mealshake dan Omega guard. Saya suka sgt sbb since dorang makan mealshake, selera anak dah mula bertambah. Tak perlu dh saya kejar sane sini nk suapkan makan. Malah dorang boleh duduk dan makan sendiri..Alhamdulillah.."

Puan Rini Shariff
"Anak saya mikail mmg susah sgt nak makan.sgt2 cerewet...nasi tu mmg tak makan la...badan mmg kurus sgt 6 tahun. so saya bancuh mealshake + susu dugro coklat bagi dia minum...alhamdulillah selera semakin ok.."

Credits to

Wah seronok betul ibu-ibu ni.

Apa yang ada dalam Meal Shakes ni?

1. Complete Nutrients - Provides 24 types of A to Z essential vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. Deficiency in trace minerals will affects the absorption of vitamins and causes inactive enzymes. It also contains soy lecithin that works hand-in-hand with fat soluble vitamins.

2. Supplies Key nutrient to cells - Rich in protein (contain no lactose) that helps in forming skin, nails, hair, organs, blood, immunised cells etc.

3. Aids in Growing Up - Contains folic acid, biotin, rich in calcium and magnesium that are needed for building bones and cells in the growing up process.

4. Anti-Oxidants - Contains vitamins A, C, E, zinc, selenium which are the anti-oxidant components for anti-ageing.

5. Restore skin complexion - Contains complete vitamin B-Complex, iron, copper to form healthy red blood cells, thus improves the skin colour complexion. 

6. Detoxification - Rich in soluble fibre that helps the (peristalsis of colon and stomach/bowel movement) to excrete excess fat and waste from the colon and stomach.

7. Great Taste for young and old - Delicious drink with natural fructose; quick replenishment of the necessary nutrients for the body; contain no artificial colouring and artificial sugar.

Credits to MFC.

Bukan kanak-kanak je tau yang boleh minum Meal Shakes ni. Orang dewasa, ibu yang pregnant, dan breastfeed pun boleh. Ini pula kisah Puan Ami:

"Salam iffa, here goes my testimonial as promised.

As a WAHM, i really need to keep myself healthy n active. As i'm bfeeding my baby n need to manage everything around the house. I don't have problem with milk supply or anything. (The only problem is it's hard for me to swallow pills. ;P)

It just comes to my mind that i need to keep myself healthy as the busy lifestyle sometimes make me not to have a balance diet. Prevention is always better than to cure rite.

so, i decided to try the meal shake from shaklee. First impression: it's yummy! After a week i noticed that i'm more energetic than ever. The milk supply also suddenly increased (maybe have to pump n donate?). Alhamdulillah, the milk also thicker and i think its becoz of the increasing of nutritions value. My baby also suddenly want to bf only and ate less.

As for my husband, the first day i gave him, he complained that it made his tummy upset. Then, he refused to take it anymore (actually he always had the problem if he take milk early in the morning) . But suddenly last nite, he asked, "abg nk minum milky shake la". (He loves to give nicknames to things, so he called it milky shake.) He simply catogerized meal shake as one of his "air sedap". ;P"

Credits to

So, jangan tunggu lagi. Sebab bulan ni Meal Shakes ada harga promo. Lebih jimat!

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Ayuaz ~ 0126879546 
Zaufee ~ 0177169026 
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 Your Shaklee Independent Distributor (SID 889093) 

 *Produk ini tidak bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat, menyembuh @ mencegah sebarang jenis penyakit

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